
Asili Living Co.

Vendor Biography

Μy journey towards creating Asili Living began in 2014 when I laid on my stomach and felt a mass. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor which revealed that I had a fibroid which left me with a 23-week size uterus…my uterus was the size of someone 5.8 months pregnant. After receiving my diagnosis, and successfully removing my large fibroid and two cysts, I spoke to my surgeon and inquired what lifestyle changes I should implement to slow down future growth (because yes they grow back).  My surgeon advised me of dietary considerations (already a part of my lifestyle). She also mentioned that I should avoid the use of Parabens.  I asked her what parabens were? She mentioned that it was a preservative found in many beauty product that studies have shown to have an impact on our hormones. I went home and began a deep dive on what paragon were and  found that many products contained various forms of toxic chemicals and questionable ingredients that contributed negatively to our health. Now if you think I am talking reactions like skin irritation, rashes … I am…but I am talking about  much scarier impacts, like infertility, cancers, birth defects etc. It is through this knowledge that led me to read product labels.  It left me completely overwhelmed in the store aisle as I tried to decrypt the product ingredients, when all I wanted was something simple and effective. I realized that many brands market themselves as clean and natural however contained questionable ingredients.  I researched skincare ingredients and fomulations which led me to creating Asili Living; to ensure whether it is your household or mine you know that every Asili product nourishes, repairs and never harms.